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Do You Work Hard, Provide for Your Family, Even Help Others.... but feel like you have been "Mugged By Life"?

Good Neighbors may be able to Help!

If this sounds like you and your family, 


Feel free to stop by our office at the corner of Route 321 and 1107 (Powell Addition)





Phone: 606-887-0082



P.O. Box 640 Staffordsville, KY 41256

(606) 887-0082

​​Physical Location:

67 KY Route 1107

Van Lear, KY 41265

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© 2020 Good Neighbors, Inc. All rights reserved. Good Neighbors, Inc is a 501(c)3 organization.
Gifts to Good Neighbors are deductible for U.S. federal income tax purposes.
We proudly partner with
United Way of Eastern Kentucky
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